Hi friend! Grab some coffee and sit down, we have something to talk about. Today, our Cheekynauts website has launched and we like to take this opportunity to explain the background of this endeavor a bit more!

It all began on Twitter in January 2018. Schotti wanted to commission an artist with a clean and cute pixel art style to do the portraits for his indie RPG Santria. Sam begins to share her first pixel art pieces under the handle @goawayimcrabby during this time period and has caught his eye. After a short chit-chat they started to work together and got to know each other better.

The first portrait done by Sam for Santria.

The collaboration was not only pleasant workwise: they also noticed to have similar interests and sense of humor! Who will not enjoy to watch movies and play games together with a same-minded creative, right? Eventually Schotti joined Sam’s game project with the working title CrabbyRPG in January 2019 as a programmer, deepening the collaboration even further.

Twitter was the main distribution platform for new updates and progress GIFs for both projects and people started to ask about a website with condensed information about the games. No wonder, it is hard to pick up updates between retweets and the special algorithms Twitter is using. Since the frequency of questions intensified, Sam and Schotti decided to build a website to collect and present all relevant news and updates about Santria and CrabbyRPG. Project Cheekynauts was born, a platform to give you insights about our gamedev process and having fun.

Dear friend, today you are able to see the result of our last month’s endeavor. We hope that you are enjoying to explore our little home and join the adventures of two quirky rodent astronauts, traveling the infinity of space.

With best wishes,

Sam & Schotti