
Making of: Santria’s portraits

Hallo friends! In this first episode of the making of-series we will explain the creation process of one selected portrait for Santria. All time favorite Olivia is the chosen example. Sam and I are very hyped for our monthly procedure: while working on the game and getting a more detailed vision of the story, the need of certain characters becomes clearer. I imagined four departments for the Santria Corporation, with unique supervisors on top of them, reporting to Charlotte, the…

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Santria Retrospect 2018

The year 2018 was a game changer for Santria and marks the third year of development. Similar to 2017 a lot of stuff happened in my private life, which affected the progress of Santria and my view of life in different ways. In the end, gamedev turned out to be my safe haven to release my creativity and tackle challenges in a fun way. It was also the catalyst to meet a lot of same-minded people I become friends with.…

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Santria Retrospect 2017

In 2017, a lot of changes in my life happened. I finished my studies and started a full time job in Western Germany, including a big move (and an additional small move beforehand) and getting used to the new environment. These circumstances slowed down the development but I started to enjoy gamedev even more as a way to relax and rest myself after exhausting work. 2017 can be defined as the year I worked mostly on the concept and assets…

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Santria Retrospect 2016

Welcome to Part One of the Santria Retrospect Series, summarizing Santria’s development on an annual basis. At the end of the year, I enjoy to look back to see the achieved progress in a focused manner and get a refreshed overview about Santria’s development.

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