
Moonshell Island Retrospect 2019

Hello friends, and welcome to the first annual retrospective summary of progress for Moonshell Island! 2019 was an eventful year, so let’s see how we did, shall we? The Mockup It all started with a mock-up I created in mid 2018 for Squared Up! A Pixel Art Zine, and having worked together on Santria in this time, Schotti and I decided to team up to make this game a reality. He would recycle what programming he could from either project…

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Santria Retrospect 2019

Hi and welcome to the Santria Retrospect for the year 2019! It marks the fourth year of development (where is the time going?!) and a lot of stuff in my private life distracted me again from gamedev like in the years before so maybe I should stop pointing it out and take it as granted? Haha! The big milestones of this year were: My work with Sam intensified and I joined her Moonshell Island project Cheekynauts as a brand for…

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