Happy New Years, friends!

You may have noticed that progress has been slow in the last while. As I mentioned at the end of the 2019 Moonshell Island Retrospect, I have been taking time for some much-needed self-care, and working on a secret project related to that. It is finally time to announce that project, and just in time to help us achieve our New Years Resolutions!

Introducing: The Daily Achievement Log!

Crabby wishes you a Happy New Year!

I have had a hard time breaking the habit of putting my productive goals before my own well-being, which winds up being terribly unproductive in the long run. So I made a tool to help me balance my priorities.

The Cheekynauts Daily Achievement Log!

The Daily Achievement Log is a small notepad designed to help you track the tasks you want to achieve along with some basic self-care activities. It is important to recognize both categories as achievements.

Cheekynauts stickers!!!

The notepad comes with a matching sheet of Cheekynauts stickers, which I’ve also turned into emoji on the Cabana Club Discord server! These are a fun little reward for making a healthy balance your priority, so use them however you like!

To make this new product available to everyone, I have reopened Crabby’s Souvenir Shop on Etsy! Please have a look at our new selection of merch!

To say thanks for all their support, our $20+ Patrons will receive a Daily Achievement Log in the mail this month, and all other patrons will be given discount codes! But for the first half of January, everything is on sale!

Of course, I want everyone to have access to this tool, so here is a free PDF you can print and cut into four pages:

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on self-care or productivity, and what it looks like varies per person. Do not expect to achieve all tasks in a single day, but maybe try to mix it up and find your version of a healthy balance.

However, if you are looking for some good advice on how to do this, our friend Kaia is both a freelance artist and a nurse and has let us share her list of healthy lifestyle tips while working from home. Please check out her work on Twitter and Patreon!

Kaia’s Work-from-home Special:

  • Dress yourself, even when you work from home.
  • Start and end work at set times.
  • Eat 3 meals a day, especially a big breakfast and a light dinner at least 2 hours before bed.
  • Drink a minimum of 2 litres(8.5 cups) of water a day.
  • Stretch every 2 hours, especially your hands!
  • Look away from the screen and relax your eyes every hour, for a few minutes.
  • Do some kind of sport. Swimming, cycling, running or going to the gym. It changes a lot if you can include it in your daily/weekly routine.
  • Go for a walk, give yourself one to two hours a day for yourself. No work, no other people (if possible), do nothing or do something that relaxes you and your body (music, taking a bath, etc.)
  • Meet people. New people, family, friends… talk about stuff that has nothing to do with your job/daily life.

Thanks, Kaia!

I hope this tool helps us all make 2020 the best it can be! Happy achieving!

Your friend,